Visit of the Mayor of Quinta Normal

22 Sep 2021

On Friday, September 10, Austral Chemicals received the visit of the mayor of Quinta Normal, Karina Delfino. The activity took place in the framework of #MunicipioEnTerreno in conjunction with the department of economic development of the commune led by Manuel Martinez. It is a new initiative that aims to know the companies of the commune and to understand the needs of the 5000 companies from Quinta Normal. On August 26th the company was invited to participate in a first meeting between the important companies of Quinta Normal and where we shared our desire to collaborate in the life of the commune.

After a presentation of the company and a tour of the facilities, we visited the area below the Carrascal bridge and discussed ways to improve cleanliness, safety, tree pruning and street surfacing. Austral offered its participation through its surveillance service. Both parties also confirmed a joined interest in areas such as environment, citizen participation and sports. The municipal team confirmed the importance of having companies and employers in their commune. 10% of Austral's workers live in Quinta Normal.

At the end of the day we donated 105 drums of ATOGEL in order to help the measures taken by the municipality due to the Covid-19 and 300 gloves for handling hazardous products.

